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  • Автор темы graniteemale
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24 Июн 2020
Trim fast keto help Molly get out of that skirt your little blanket yeah like your security blanket I felt good in it it was something I felt good in and I thought it looks good but they tell me now they didn't tell me then but it probably wasn't the best choice but everybody was comfortable I've matured and grown up yeah I could have probably fit two of me in it at this point I wish I hadn't but I don't I know that's a bummer lesson learned so listen like if somebody who's watching if they are on a weight-loss journey I think that we should encourage them to keep something totally that is like that signature piece that's you know that fits them now even a picture of you in it speaking of pictures things do you have more that you want to say about Molly okay okay I have a little bit okay so the reason I'm here is because we've all were all so excited formally but I'm probably what I was saying before the broadcast her creepiest cheerleader
